Concern for the Bride
In Deuteronomy 21-24 we come across a number of laws that reflect a concern for the welfare of women. For example: “When a man has taken...
Concern for the Bride
An Unsolved Homicide
How Do You Tell a True Prophet from a False one?
Gifts and Temptations
Listen, Israel!
To Fight or Not to Fight?
Life ... A Journey of Many Steps
Stepping down. Moving Aside. Moses' Leadership Struggles
The Lord opened the mouth of the Donkey...
Why was Moses Excluded from the Promised Land?
Christian-Jewish Relations - the Journey Continues
What was the sin of the spies?
Spirit-filled prophets? Or just a couple of trouble-makers?
A Conversation: Shavuot & Pentecost
Shavuot . . . . Pentecost
The 'walk' and 'work' of Torah
A Year of Rest for the Land
Be Holy!
Resisting Enslavement
The nuances of festivity
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